Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Vitaly's Dad

Okay, so Bryan is going to get me for this..... but tonight I just want to highlight a different facet of adoption.  Not all adoptions involve dads, but ours does.  As I type this, Vitaly's Dad is out in the dark coordinating plans with him so that we can compromise on a request to drive his remote controlled car to the center of a busy city.  Easier to say no way!  But Bryan knows that for V, this is important.  We have to learn how to work together - build trust, learn responsibility, and so much more.  So, he takes the longer path of compromise.  While he does so, I get a few moments to focus on how exciting adoption is for a spouse!  

I think that most people get the excitement that comes with welcoming a new child into the family.  So much is new, celebrations and milestones.  But sometimes I/we focus so much on the child, that we miss an awful lot of other wonderfulness going on.  So, here are a few of my thoughts on how awesome it is to watch my husband father our son throughout this adoption....

I enjoy watching my husband be a father to our kids.  I love how he loves them.  Nathan, Andrew, and Jordan are all unique, amazing young men.  Has he made mistakes?  Yep, but who hasn't?  He goes out of his way to support their interests - whether lacrosse, computers, hockey, Psych, gardening, or countless others.  Don't know if they see it, but I do.

He does the same with Vitaly.  He has suddenly become interested in remote controlled cars, giving back rubs, Lightning McQueen, and walking to city center in Riga at odd times of the night to give a teen some freedom.

He gives up sleep, fills out form after form, arranges time off of work, gives up all privacy for social workers and agents, pours finances out, and humbly requests help in order to provide what Vitaly needs in order to come home.

He acts absolutely goofy (which I think he just wants an excuse to do anyway) not caring if people on the bus shoot him odd looks - V is laughing and that is what matters.  He hugs and kisses without hesitation - anytime and anywhere -  a child who craves affection.  This from a pretty reserved and introverted fellow.  But it is what V needs right now.

Sometimes it is easy to forget that the blessings of adoption go far beyond the child/ren.  Parents can grow so much, marriages develop, siblings stretch, friends and neighbors draw closer, communities of believers welcome new life, and God smiles.

And yes, we slept in, went bowling with friends, met up with an amazing woman who helps teens who have left the orphanages here, sat down for a little school, and so on.  All just support what I wrote above though - Bryan was a part of each of those - his kids bring out the best in him :)

Love from Latvia,

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