Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is he with us yet????

Day 3 Memories...

*Actually, first I need to go back to last night for a moment.  I can't forget a very special gift that we were given at the orphanage visit - a gift of PAST PIECES.  You know, with our other 3 boys we knew what happened to them and where they were every day of their lives for the first several years.  Not so with V - 14 years have passed by without us in his life.  So, last night, when going through his files with Daina, our lawyer, some of those missing pieces were filled in.  And, best of all - 4 pictures of him!  You know those baby pix and school pix parents cherish?  Well, we don't have any baby ones, but we now have 4 others of him at various ages!!  One of which he'll probably try to sneak into the trash - haha!  That is the one tucked underneath so that he isn't embarrassed should he see these :)  So, with those treasures in hand, we head into the next day - March 20th, 2012.

*UP - yep, a little confused time-wise.  So, Bryan and I had a little snack at 3AM and did some strategic planning for our embassy-required, Latvia-preferred homeschooling times.  Think we have a good layout.  We'll start slowly, try to have some fun, and adjust as needed.  Special thanks to fellow teachers who are helping out with some ideas that are newer for me :)  Our starting school supplies are right by the table where he'll study.  Think he'll be excited to see them??

*COURT - The only other time I've been in court was as a juror.  It was so strange to go today and have our very own translator while everyone else was speaking in Latvian.  Bottom line?  We were approved to have Vitaly stay with us at our apartment until the following court date on 3/27!  Much more nervous than I thought I'd be when answering the judge's questions with 7 folks listening and Vitaly counting on us.  All is well though, so on we go.  Hoping that he is transported to the city this afternoon!

*MONEY - Total confusion regarding dollars, lats, and euros.  I tried to pay the convenience store clerk in what I thought were lats, apparently some lats look like some euros.  Can you say, "foreigners?"  Oh well, she was sweet and didn't laugh too much. The bank where we exchange money is one busy place.  Thinking that business is good enough for them to hire another employee or ten. :)

*3:20pm here - still waiting to hear when V will arrive, so we just got back from a quick trip to the Rimi grocery/Walmart type of place.  No idea really how much we paid for things.  Also hoping that we got what we think we got.  Without V to translate, we were guessing on things that didn't have a good picture!  Hoping that was sour cream....

*Guess what? Yep, still waiting!  4:30pm and there is now a chance that Vitaly won't arrive until tomorrow since where he was staying is so far from the city.  This is NOT typical at all.  BUT, we have had contact via email and he knows he is coming so we will be ready to get a taxi when they call.  Praying for a safe trip for him.

*As we had tea with our attorney, I asked how those of us who are growing more passionate about helping the children who are left behind would best assist them. Let me know if you'd be interested in joining in those efforts!!!  She had some interesting ideas...

*5:30pm - Call from the attorney says that Vitaly will be here tomorrow evening.  Well, we are spreading out the excitement I guess.  Court is today's big news.  His arrival will be tomorrow's!  Going to have to hang in there with us a little longer. If not tomorrow, thinking about taking a train or bicycle or skateboard and heading out ourselves :)

*Dinner with our neighbors from Iowa and their new son tonight as well as another adopting family from Georgia and their new son.  Attorney votes for our going to a disco club after to enjoy our last evening alone (she is a hoot!) but I'm thinking not. Don't wait for photos on that one!

The first day of spring - much to look forward to!
Sue, Bryan, and Vitaly

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