Saturday, March 10, 2012

2nd Honeymoon Baby

Some of you know that last June was our 20th wedding anniversary.  Well, Bryan and I had planned a getaway to celebrate - it fell through.  So, we decided to use the money to start our third decade together in a very adventurous and life-giving way!  We signed up to host an orphan from Latvia for the summer - a teenager none-the-less.  A perfect way to begin year 21!

As a result of our "2nd honeymoon" adventure, there is a young man who is about to become a permanent member of our family.  Interestingly enough, I've heard others relate the adoption process to pregnancy and giving birth biologically.  Maybe not all relate to that, but we certainly can.  Here are a few similarities:

1.  From the date we met Vitaly at the airport to the date that the court will say that he can come home to America?  You may have guessed approximately - 9 months and 1 day.  God's timing can be pretty awesome :)

2.  Early on we weren't sure that this adoption was going to happen - more than once.  Reminds me of the child we lost to miscarriage between N and A.  Also, when I was on bed rest with J.  Very helpless feeling....

3.  Many comments about how to adopt, whether to adopt, where to adopt from, how to parent, which doctors to see/not see..... reminders of all of the helpful advice given, especially with our first-born :)

4.  Exhaustion!  The further into every pregnancy, the more wiped out I got.  Bringing life has a cost.  Well, that is the case here too.  Feel like I'm about done physically, emotionally, and spiritually now - just like with each of our others.  And I remember that birth didn't bring rest either :)  Guessing that will be the same.  The fun and craziness is just beginning.

5. Meds and C-Sections - Our first three each had their own stories, but all resulted in a significant amount of help from doctors, nurses, meds, and equipment in order to be born safely.  I'm thinking that our super speedy January to March delivery process was a bit like a shot of Pitocin (do they still use that? been a few years....)  And now I just want this child to be delivered!  Someone just tell me when it is over :)  Good ole Dr. Lim delivered the other 3.  Thinking that Dr. Daina (aka our Latvian lawyer who is amazing) is in charge of this one.

6.  Mom and the in-laws cared for the existing kiddos while we went to the hospital for each new baby.  Guess who is in charge this time around?  Yep, the same!  In-laws first, then Mom comes (after a round of chemo no less) to keep things running smoothly.

7.  Friends celebrated each child and friends are celebrating Vitaly too.  If someone isn't celebrating with us, gotta wonder why.

8.  Gifts were given to all of our children to welcome them and celebrate new life!  The same has happened for Vitaly.  We are amazed by the generosity of friends, new and old, who are excited about the addition to our family.

So, in just a few days, our we will be learning to function with one more member.  Every time we have added a child, things have been wild and wacky for awhile as we adjust to one another and learn to love and live differently.  I expect that this time will be the same.

Can only wonder what our 30th wedding anniversary celebration might bring :)  Anyone want to celebrate in a similar way?  There are SO many kids just waiting ... see or google adoption for other options.

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