Sunday, September 18, 2011

On the flip side...

Last post was venting a bit of frustration regarding issues of money and fear, but today I hope to offer a glimpse of the flip side!  There are so many people involved in making an adoption happen.  Some have a small role, some ongoing, some pretty crucial.  Each and every one is appreciated!  I have a list of all who have been involved since the beginning - in any way.  I look forward to the day when I can share this with our son.  He needs to see how many people have been a part of loving and bringing him home.  :)

Some examples that stand in opposition to the money monster and fear ....

*a stranger who donates at a yard sale without buying anything - just because she wants to help
*teachers who haven't had a pay increase in, what, 3 years - buying jewelry because 30% will go to the adoption
*a widow on a limited income gets creative and gives regularly and generously (ever heard of the widow's mite anybody?)
*a teen uses social media to help raise funds from other teens
*a relative who is not particularly fond of me :P gives from the heart because this isn't about us - it is bigger than that
*an adoption coordinator who goes beyond paperwork to help with emotional and personal needs
*friends calling or texting or messaging to check in - especially after cranky posts! :)
*families who have adopted before us/are a few steps ahead of us - many we haven't even met - willing to answer questions and provide encouragement throughout because they've "been there"
*family where dad works two jobs, mom is full-time, and money is limited - give on paypal anyway because they want to support us and v
*moms of friends donating/buying items though they've met me only a handful of times
*friends offering to hold and coordinate fundraisers for/with us though they have more than enough to do already

And these are just a few examples!

Wanted to give a fair shake to the "other side" of the frustration.  Adoption has seemingly endless challenges and requirements, but each step also has gifts and blessings.  Picture a running track with hurdles from start to finish.  Picture an out of shape, height-challenged runner facing hurdles set as high as her chin.  The track is surrounded with fields of wildflowers and visiting butterflies, trees housing singing birds, and stands full of cheering supporters.  Those hurdles are not going to be removed, but the setting is what makes this inexperienced runner keep going, especially when she has already plowed through several of those hurdles instead of gracefully leaping over them - and there are an awful lot of them ahead. 

Got to remember the gifts along the way and the goal at the end!


To help with hurdles, use the paypal button to the right or contact me for more information. 


  1. Hey Sue! For your encouragement, here is a link to a dear friend's experience with adopting 2 Ethiopian boys. It is a daunting run, especially in the last stretch, but oh, how satisfying in the end. :)

    1. hey judy - just saw this...yep, it is now february!! still learning my way around the blogosphere :) thanks - will check it out. friends here leave in 6 days to bring back their son from Ethiopia
