Thursday, August 11, 2011

Adoption Announcement!

Yes, it is true!  Our family is hoping to add another member!  We are trying to adopt an older child, so want to speed through the process as fast as possible in order to "make up for lost time."

Keepin' it Simple refers to a few things:
1.  I am not a tech-wizard, so if this actually posts, it will be shocking!
2.  Time is limited, so instead of trying to spiff things up here, I'll just give you the basics.  I trust that you'll  excuse the lack of fun and adornment, but look forward to our progress.
3.  Adoption is expensive and we need help to move quickly.
4.  Instead of "bothering" folks who aren't interested in our story/needs in a more broad way, I am going to be really straight-forward here for people who choose to read it.  I'll update the steps and the needs.  Those who want to be involved, welcome!  Those who don't, it is okay :)  Probably need to find another blog though, cause that is our focus here :).  Just want to be up front and honest. 

Also, if you have specific questions about the adoption, feel free to email  We are at the stage of the process where we can't publicly say much in detail about the child. Please assist in that by making only private comments for now.

So....  first off - we are working through approval and home study stages.  We need the following most urgently.  If you want to contribute, any amount is appreciated!

1.  Adoption agency  case management/dossier coordination fee $1,500
      8 South Main Street, P.O. Box 201
      Shrewsbury, PA 17361
      (note Bryan/Suzan Peterson Adoption) N
**NOT currently tax deductible if that makes a difference
2.  Home study/post-placement fee of $2,300
     Cradle of Hope Adoption Center, Inc.
     8630 Fenton Street, Suite 310
     Silver Spring, MD 20910
     (note Bryan/Suzan Peterson Adoption)
**This option IS tax deductible for direct contributions.

   3.  To contribute directly to our personal adoption account (NOT tax deductible):  use Paypal by clicking on the donate button on the side of the blog.  This will go toward whatever the current expenses/fees are.

Simply grateful, Sue and crew